Use Of Function Button

 We are adept enough to use computers, many of us do not know the right way to use the Furinction key to move to the right.
However, I tried to give a brief.

F1 - i. Used as help key.
      ii. Windows key + F1 would open the microsoft windows help.
      iii. Open the task pane.

F2 - i. Rename a higlighted, icon, file/folder.      ii. Alt + Ctrl + F2, Open document windows in MS word.
      iii. Ctrl + F2, display print preview windows.
      iv. Enter CMOS setup. (CMOS= complementary metal oxide semiconductor)

F3 - i. Open a search features.
      ii. shift + F3, Change the text from upper to tower or capital letter at the beginning.

F4 - i. Open find window.
      ii. Alt + F4, close the programme window.
      iii. Ctrl + F4, close the document window.

F5 - i. Refresh/Reload the page or document window.
      ii.  Open the find, replace, go to window in MS word.
      iii. Start a slide show in MS powerpoint.

F6 - i. Move the cursor to the address bar in Mozilla firefox, Internet explorer etc.
      ii. Ctlr + shift + F6, Opens to another open MS word document.

F7 - i. Used to spell check, grammer check in MS word.
      ii. shift + F7, runs a theasures check in MS word on the word highlighted.

F8 - i. Used to enter the windows start up menu.
      ii. Commonly used to acces windows in safe mode.

F9 - i. Open the measurement toolbar.

F10 - i. Activate the menubar.
       ii. Shift + F10, same as right clicking on highlighted icon.

F11 - i. Full screen mode in all mordern internet browser.

F12 - i. Save as windows.
       ii. shift = F12, Save MS word.
       iii. Ctrl + shift + F12, print a document.

I hope it will help.
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